(425) 298-0956
Cost-Efficient Closed-Loop Optimization of Surgical Care

Learn: Continuous, real-time learning of care delivery through data transparency and AI driven analytics
Act: Point of care assistive intelligence to effect change and robotic process automation to reduce effort and waste
Measure: Key performance indicators to continuously measure actions and make appropriate refinements to optimize the processes

Platform Approach to Data-Driven Perioperative Technology Solution
Modules targeting a breadth of perioperative pain points are all powered by our proprietary data platform
The Perioperative Data Platform serves as Perimatics’ data warehouse.
Sample Benefits Realized by Current Customers
Quality and Outcome
Adherence to best practices
23% better timely antibiotics
36% better glycemic management
31% better nausea prophylaxis
28% better adequate reversal
57% better lung protective ventilation
Patient safety metrics
16% less postoperative nausea
42% less hypotension
57% less gaps in bp monitoring
18% less PACU hypothermia
45% less PACU opioids with epidural
Billing and Compliance
Revenue capture
3-4% increase in annual charges
5-8 days less to bill
19% more accurate coding
35% reduced effort for billing
31% improved compliance
99% preoperative evaluations
95% postoperative evaluations
99% finalization of records in 24 hrs
Pharmacy and Operations
Controlled drug reconciliation
100% data visibility
45% less reconciliation errors
70% less labor
Operational efficiency
16% less overtime procedures
51 min/day better OR utilization
24% more efficient ICU handoff
Waste reduction of 21% in use of anesthetic agents
Perimatics’ real-time decision support improves quality of care, operational efficiency, and billing completeness by providing insightful, real-time guidance. The point of procedure messages are accurate, relevant and non-intrusive. I strongly recommend this solution to other institutions.
Dr. Alan Artru, Former Chief of Anesthesia, University of Washington
"SAM is an extremely effective software tool...antibiotic compliance has jumped to over 99% and stayed that way...SAM has achieved something previously unheard of in the medical field- 1:1000 reliability."
Dr. Gene Peterson, Former Vice Dean for Quality Improvement, Virginia Commonwealth University